Saturday, December 4, 2010

The God I Know (with my poor translation XD)

我都知道要大家看我的雞腸, 大家應該不太願意的
我本來都有想過中一篇英一篇, 但沒想過真的會實行
最後因為一個神, 一個人, 我嘗試了 XD
for u and for God!


哈哈, 我寫blog的熱情終於都回來了!
想跟你分享我現在的心情, 可能有點亂, 因為有太多東西想表達! 但希望你可以看完這篇. 另外有一首歌想送給你 XD

haha, here im again!! finally my passion is back!
just wanna share what i feel right now, maybe it's a bit "messy", coz i have too much in my mind right now! but hope u would finishing reading it. i have a song for u XD

很久沒有按下這個鍵, 今天給我的信息, 

havent clicked on this button for quite a while, today's msg for me is this,

... that the greatest happiness in life is knowing that you are loved for who you are, and sometimes in spite of who you are. Give this happiness to your family, to your friends, to your neighbors.

我想跟你分享這份高興, 因為你們是我愛的人

i wanna share this happiness to u, as u are my loved ones.

這話說的不錯, 對嗎? 祂愛你和我, 不論我們幾歲, 不論我們有多壞, 同樣地, 不論我們有多好. 在我們出生以前, 就他知道我們的名字
the msg it's pretty true, isnt it? He loves u and me, no matter how old we are, no matter how bad we are, in the same way, no matter how good we are. He knows us by name, even be4 we are born. 

有時我覺得在別人面前很難展現真正的自己 (應該是說在大多數人的面前), 或多或少, 很多時候人們都對我們有所期望, 而我們則會 "自動" 的想要達成那些期望, 尤其是對那麼我們重視的人的期望. 漸漸地, 我開始忘記了原本的自己是怎樣的, 我還是我嗎? 還是我已經變成人家期望中的我. 儘管如此, 我在神面前總是一樣的, 祂太了解我, 甚至比我更了解我自己. 在祂面前, 我無需要偽裝成另一個我, 祂可以看穿我每一個心思.
sometimes i find it hard to be who i really am in front of ppl (maybe i should say, most of them), becoz most of the time, ppl have expectations on us, more or less, and we kinda "automatically" try to fulfill their expectations, especially for those we care most. as time passes by, i started to forget who i really am, am i still the one i am? or am i become the one ppl want me to be. however, im always the same one be4 God, for He knows me so well, even better than myself. there's no reason to pretend in front of Him. im so transparent be4 Him. 

當我看見這個信息時, 我想起一首歌, 最初我記不想它的歌名, 就如歌詞都不太記得, 只記得一點點, 而且次序全錯 lol. 我記得 "there's no pretense", "im on my knees", "there's no one else", and bla bla bla...  我想找PASSIONS的朋友幫忙, 卻發現幾乎沒有人在線. 然後我發現, 是星期五晚呀! 他們有cell group!! 哈哈, 感謝神我最後成功把那些歌詞的次序排好, 知道那首歌的歌名!! 還找到這段片給你們!
when i saw this msg for me, i suddenly think of a song, i couldnt remember the name of the song at the beginning, not even the lyrics, i just remembered some of them, but the orders were all wrong lol. i remembered, "there's no pretense", "im on my knees", "there's no one else", and bla bla bla... i tried to get help from the PASSIONS, and i found that almost none of them were online, until then i realized that it's friday's night!! they have cell group!! haha, thx God i finally managed to put the lyrics in a better order and find the name of the song!! and i found the video for u!

這首歌叫 The God I Know, 歌詞相當有意思和發人深省 (起碼對我來說是這樣啦), 只是想跟你們分享這首歌. 又想跟你們分享我的生活. 更重要的是想跟你們分享我所認識的那一位神, 還有祂對你們的愛!
the song is called, The God I know, the lyrics are quite meaningful and inspiring (at least to me), i just wanna share the song to u all. i also wanna share my life to u all. more importantly, i wanna share the God i know to u all, and His love for all of u! 

我衷心希望你可以聽一下這首歌(聽啦聽啦 =p), 細味一下當中的歌詞, 即使你不相信這一位神 在這個時刻), 我希望你終有一天會認識祂, 我會經常為你祈禱, 因為你們是我愛的人. "this is my cry, my one desire"!
i really hope that u can listen to the song (plx =p), and think abt the meaning of the lyrics, even if u dont believe in the God i know (at this moment), i hope that u will know Him personally one day, and im gonna pray for u, always, for u are my loved ones. "this is my cry, my one desire"!

God bless u!

如果你覺得好悶, 不用理會這一部份. XDD
if u find it boring, u can ignore this part. XDD

有時候, 我覺得作為一個跟從基督腳步的人很難, 尤其是當我是一個少數派的時候, 但是我知道, 我依舊希望跟主腳步, 祂鼓勵我這樣做. 有時候, 因作為一個跟從基督腳步的人而受傷, 就像聖經所言, "你們要為我的名, 被眾人恨惡" (路加福音 21:17). 這也說得不錯! 儘管如此, 這都不太重要, 因為我相信, 我知道, 現在我身處的地方, 我只是一個訪客, 天堂是我真正的家. 我希望到我死的那天, 神會對我說, "我忠心的僕人, 希望你回來". 弟兄姊妹, 守著你的信念呀! 我們曾經/ 正在/ 將來會受的逼迫都只是短暫的, 我們永恆的獎賞, 在天家!
some of the time, i find it difficult to stand up as a follower of Christ, mostly when im in a situation where im a minority, yet i know, i want to, and im encouraged to. sometimes we get hurt becoz we are a follower of Christ, as the Bible says, "All men will hate you because of me." (Luke 21:17). true too! however, it doesnt really matter, for i believe and for i know, im just a visitor in the world that im living in, heaven is my home. i hope that when it comes to the day i die, i can enter the house of God. and God will say to me, "welcome home, my faithful servant". brothers and sisters, hang on! the persecution we had/ have/ will have is only temporary, our rewards are waiting for us in heaven, which is eternal! 

放假回到香港只是短短數天, 已經覺得自己靈命退化了. 沒有跟神有有質數的溝通, 沒有穩定的靈修時間, 因為你們都不在我的身旁. 但可能今天神給我的話語就是, "喂, 你呀. 是時候從回正軌了, 是時候回到我的身旁." 無時無刻,讓我們在神裡緊守信念, 因為祂是全天候準備聆聽我們所需, 以為幫助我們. 其中一個令我們剛強的途徑是走過死蔭的幽谷 (可能是嚴重了, 只是一個比喻啦 XD), 祂把我們放在一個單靠己身力量是不行的處境, 這就是我們信靠祂的原因, 因為祂是那位我們應當信靠的神, 不是別人, 不是自己, 而是祂.
coming back to hk for holidays only for a few days, i already find myself weaker spiritually. not spending enough quality time with God, not having quiet time regularly, as i dont have u guys here with me in hk. but maybe the msg for me today is that God's calling me, "hey, u! it's time to get back on track, it's time to come back to me." lets stand firmed in the light of God, despite where and when, becoz God is 24/7 ready to listen to us, and to help us. one way to go stronger in our journey for being a follower of Christ is to go through the valley of death(maybe not that serious, just an e.g. XD), He puts us in a situation where depending on our own strengths is not possible/enough, thats why need to look up to Him, coz He is the One we should rely on, not ourselves, not others, but HIM.

i give thanks to God, for everything,
for putting so many ppl who care for me in my life;
for letting me have the chance to care for my loved ones;
for sending His one and only Son dying on the cross for me;
for all the things i have;
即使我做錯了, 依然一次又一次原諒我;
for forgiving me times after times when i wrong Him;
即使我用我的一切, 都沒法感謝祂所作的;
for i cant possibly be able to thank Him for who He is with my everything;
祂卻無條件地愛我, 這個罪人
yet, He loves me for simply who im, nth, but a sinner.

要我們在人的面前謙卑可能困難, 在神面前卻不, 一刻也沒有!
it maybe hard to humble yourself be4 human, but never be4 God, not even for a sec!

感謝你, 如果你看完了整篇. 我愛你呀! 我都知你愛我 (兄弟姊妹間的愛?! =p)!
主恩滿溢, 把這愛傳開去吧!
再一次, 神愛你!
if u do finish reading the whole post, thx very much, i love u! i know u love me too (brotherly, sisterly?! =p)!
the love is over flowing, spread this love! 
once again. God bless u!



it's much easier to translate what u write! becoz u know what u mean. however, im not a pro, i've tried my best, hope u understand XDD

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