Wednesday, May 25, 2011

So Blessed

Wah, all of a sudden my blog came alive again. Maybe u have received my text regarding the following already, yet here is the detailed version. Dunno if u are interested in it or not, I’m just writing it anyway =)

The other day on my bday after receiving dozens of wishes from u all, I quoted from Hillsong’s song, “so blessed, I can’t contain it, so much, I’ve got to give it away”. I guess today is again a blessing overflowing day.

Just now my classmate Zipporah told me that the grades for macroA were out. I was nervous be4 checking the marks online. I was so scared of this unit at the beginning of the semester. It seemed to be the hardest among those I’m taking not only becoz the lecturer looked so old-fashioned but also I was bad at macroeconomics back in hk. I scared I can’t handle it. And when I learnt that we have participation mark for our tut, I was like, OH NO, end of the world… 10% participation mark was like a suicidal bomb to me. U know Asians always “shy”, don’t wanna raise their hands, nor answering qns in class…

But things weren’t as bad as I tot it would be. The lectures weren’t as boring as I predicted. The lecturer is actually not so old-sch, he showed us some inspiring econ-related video in class which I posted them on my fb, hahaha.

I told some of u that I was super duper worried abt the tut participation as the tutor asked us to give ourselves a mark out of 10 every week for how well we prepared for a tut. At that time I tot it was another bomb to me as I really had to prepare for it, or else I lose my 10%. But I guess all the hard work did pay back. I got 19/25 for my midterm including a perfect 5/5 for the SQ. Surely it wasn’t the best, but for me, who used to fail so many econ tests during my CE and AL time, it did matter a lot!

Mostly I gave myself sth between 6 and 7 even I did prepare well for it becoz there was one exchange student who always so prepared, I should say, 110% prepared every time. I feel like I would have cheated if I gave myself a 8, hahaaha. However, when I checked the final grade for tut participation, I was given a surprising 9.5/10! I must be dreaming! I dunno if I deserve such a mark, but that girl for sure deserves a 10! Even though I don’t know her name, just saying hi and bye every week, she inspired me a lot.

I got 10.5/15 for the essay which I didn’t start doing it until 2 days be4 it was due (all blames go to the CB essay, hahaaha, those who take CB know why!). This is definitely a bad example yet ppl normally are more productive under pressure… (what a lame excuse)

I believe none of these is luck but blessing from God. If u honor Him w/ everything u do, He will surely honor u back, for it is written, “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to u as well” (Matt 6:33)

Apart from all these, I’m most thankful and graceful that God have put u all in my life, regardless who u are, where u from and where u are now. U are all precious to Him and to me, as we say Christianity is more than religion, it’s relationship! I can’t say I’m glad that I did bad in my AL so that I’m here today, but I have to admit that He has great plans for each of us. We may not know when and where now, maybe not even know how, yet we should have faith, things will all be done in His timing, in His way.

I know I nagged like a mum, but really, so blessed, I can’t contain it, so much, I’ve got to give it away.

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